Hi, my name’s Jenelle Carter and I’m a kid from London, Ontario, Canada who likes to learn, play, and create.
This combination serves me well in exploring new hobbies and interests, and allows me to start an infinite number of things that I never finish.
After a lifetime of trying to narrow things down, I’ve finally let go of the need to have things figured out, and have instead chosen to pursue every single thing that interests me. Here you will find many of those things, perhaps someday even all of those things, but for now, welcome to the grab bag of my work-in-progress life.
Thanks for being here.
So far I like every medium I’ve ever tried…
“Specialization is for insects.” — Robert A. Heinlein
I always have side projects on the go. Most of them never see the light of day the Internet, but here are a few I’ve done enough on to share.
“I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.” ― Saul Bass
These are a few of my favourite things…
Anything and everything. Self-improvement, general knowledge, useful skills, and useless skills mostly.
Mostly non-fiction due to my love of learning. I like fiction too, but that usually takes a back seat.
While I prefer my desk surfaces messy, well-designed systems of organization make me happy. My compulsion to organize and curate is both a blessing and a curse.
I enjoy trying to find ways to be more efficient with my time and processes. To me, productivity is about the pursuit of being more intentional with my life.
I love movies and have a pretty decent animation collection. I especially love stop motion and that good old traditional hand drawn stuff.
Board games, jigsaw puzzles, escape rooms, Rubik’s cubes, and other brain teasers.
Seeing the world and taking pictures and videos of it all. I have yet to travel outside North America but you can bet I have a lengthy bucket list of places to see.
Playing hockey might just be my favourite thing in the world. Soccer definitely doesn’t compare, but I still love playing it with my friends in the summer.
I collect small boxes, trinkets, and ephemera based on my love of vintage design and handlettering. Antique stores are my favourite kind of store.
I love spending time in nature, especially going for walks. I’m one of those (rare?) Canadians that actually loves winter and all the snow that it brings.
Sir Maxwell Richard Carter to be more precise. He also sometimes goes by “punkin baby friend.” He’s perfect.
I’m an introvert. Please don’t contact me unless it’s regarding something meaningful.
“I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” ― Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
A little bit of everything.
Five years post-concussion
Another February 5 has arrived, which means I'm now officially five years concussion-free! That's 1825 days in a journey that spans 3860 days, or 10.58 years, but who's counting? In each of my previous yearly reflections, there's been an overarching theme (1:...
Vlog #2: Being Less Precious with my YouTube Channel
Alright, video number two. Here we go. Okay, so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start a YouTube channel. And I did so by abandoning everything that I had planned of starting off well, with a nice laid out plan, high production value, just wanting to put in the...
Vlog #1: Starting a YouTube Channel Before I’m Ready
Hello. My name is Jenelle and I'm not ready to start a YouTube channel. Starting a YouTube channel is something that I've wanted to do for many many years—to do it properly, to do it well—but today I’m throwing all of that out the window, and I'm just starting. It...