concussion journey

Five years post-concussion

Five years post-concussion

Another February 5 has arrived, which means I'm now officially five years concussion-free! That's 1825 days in a journey that spans 3860 days, or 10.58 years, but who's counting? In each of my previous yearly reflections, there's been an overarching theme (1:...

Four years post-concussion

Four years post-concussion

Another February 5th means another 365 days have passed since my most recent concussion four years ago. Since I like keeping track of things, that's 3495 days since concussion number one, and 1461 days since concussion number three, the aforementioned most recent one....

The lessons I’m slowly learning

The lessons I’m slowly learning

The last several weeks have been pretty difficult for me. I still haven’t gotten back on track from a seemingly minor neck setback, which means I’m always on edge wondering what my emotions will do or if I’ll be able to cope or even do anything on a given day. After...

Post-concussion emotions

Post-concussion emotions

Although it's been over three years since my last concussion, there are still a number of things that aren't yet back to normal. The hardest and most frustrating part has been and still is my messed-up emotions. This is due to a combination of hormones and/or physical...

Three years post-concussion

Three years post-concussion

Today is February 5th, which I guess means it’s time for my annual post-concussion update. It has now been 3130 days since this journey began with concussion number one, and 1096 days, or three years, since concussion number three. Overall, there have definitely been...

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